As the trends in digital transformation pivot faster than ever before, there is an imperative to understand the solutions available to your business. Presented by Dell Technologies, this podcast series is your opportunity to deep dive into the challenges that your business might be facing right now, and the solutions available to solve them.
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
The main reasons to adopt ‘smarter’ optimal data management
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
In this episode, @StephenFenech hosts @CharlesSevior of Dell Technologies to discuss why and how IT storage managers are struggling with the growth of unstructured data and the ever-increasing need for data management and insights. Today, with the value of a company measured by the performance and usage of its data, getting your house in order is critical.
AI, for example, can help companies more rapidly process and interpret #unstructured information.
Listen to Charles unpack these and other must-hear solutions - including why you should adopt a unified storage system - to curb your ‘unstructured data’ problems.
#Powerscale #unstructureddata #datamanagement #intel #delltechnologies #unifiedstorage
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Empowering the Remote Workforce with Brad Howarth and Robert Vinokurov
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
In this episode, @BradHowarth hosts Robert Vinokurov of @Dell Technologies to discuss practical strategies to quickly and safely enable a #RemoteWorkforce and #MobileWorkforce.
People are working everywhere, on all manner of devices and in different locations - it’s no longer a centralised environment. That’s why you need to emulate a level of productivity and security similar to what workers have in the office environment. Find out how.
For more information and resources on Empowering the Remote Workforce or visit our website
#Mobileworkforce #Infrastructure #DellTechnologies #Remoteworkforce #Connectedworkplace #Windows10